Weather for Thursday, March 19: Dry day and a sunny morning

It will be an average March day weather-wise in Northumberland today.It will be an average March day weather-wise in Northumberland today.
It will be an average March day weather-wise in Northumberland today.
After a bright start it will cloud over but stay dry. Temperatures will be average for the time of year with a maximum of 8C and there won’t be much wind.

What will the weather be like in Northumberland this morning?

It should be sunny from dawn until late morning, during which time the temperature will rise from 1C to 8C. There will only be a slight breeze all day.

What about this afternoon?

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There will be cloudy skies from around noon onward. However, it will stay dry and the temperature will remain around 8C.

What will the weather be like this evening and tonight in Northumberland?

The cloud will lift slightly from around 8pm, and the sky should be clear by 11pm when the temperature will drop to 2C.

What will the weather be like tomorrow?

Friday, March 20 will be mainly cloudy, but with sunny intervals and a clear morning, dry, with maximum and minimum temperatures of 7C and 4C and a moderate breeze.

What is the long-term forecast for the North East?

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The Met Office outlook for Friday to Sunday is: “A cold start Friday then sunny spells and the odd shower from afternoon. Dry Saturday, but feeling colder in brisk winds. Similar Sunday, but feeling milder as winds turn southerly.”